Day 23+: There's no place like home

Home! I'm home!

Thank you to everyone who followed along, reading and commenting on the posts. A big thank you to Wendy and Mike for dropping me off at the airport, and to Jess for picking me up. How can you mind coming home when it's to this excited face?

I'm sorry the trip is over, but I'm not too sad to be back home and sleeping in my own bed. And, luxury of luxuries, I had an untimed shower and got dressed standing up! Oh, the delights of home are real!

And so we have officially come to the end of the daily travel blog - we'll just have to plan a new holiday to look forward to so we can all come together again. Throw out your suggestions at any time.


  1. So glad you are home safe! Thanks for the all the stories and the photos, NZ looks amazing and I hope one day to visit there myself. Welcome home :)

  2. Welcome home and Jess you are a legend!
    Thanks for sharing.
