Thursday night is usually the night Project Cookbook comes into play - mainly because it's more fun cooking for two and Jess is an enabler of projects involving good food. Tonight's randomly selected mean was Honey Mustard Pork Cutlets.

We had an early morning pre-school shopping run which was unusual, but present-Bec and Jess really appreciated past us come 4pm and we were on the after school return journey. Because of this, however, we shopped before the butchers were opened and our required french-trimmed pork cutlets were a no-go from Woolies. Oh well, we picked up a pair of pork Scotch Fillets and that did the job more than adequately.

The marinade was super quick to whip up and into the fridge it went before the appropriate afternoon lounging (me) and steadfast working into the night (her) began.

Difficulty: 1.5/5
As suggested by the ingredients laid out above, this was an EXTREMELY easy meal to make. A grill (fry pan in my case), and a bowl for the salad really was all that was required to put this one together. I added a half point because I accidentally smoked up the house while cooking the pork. Cross-ventilation had to be rapidly introduced.

Ingredients: 1.5/5
Despite not being able to pick up cutlets (granted we didn't look too hard), everything else was extremely easy to pick up and most I had on hand. It was even a bit cheaty to pick up prepackaged greens but hey, it got the job done.

Flavour: 3/5
This one was a solid, middle of the road meal. It was pleasant, but not anything special. The flavour from the marinade was light and underwhelming and in following the recipe it was a bit underseasoned (though this would be easy to fix next time). The pear in the salad was a nice touch, something a bit different, but in need of a dressing of some kind.

Repeatability: 3/5
I am keen to make this one again, but I have docked points since I would play around with the recipe a fair bit to hopefully get a stronger flavour.