Photo Hunt #6

I’ve been wanting to sign up for this photo hunt challenge for at least the last three rounds but have never had the time, but I’m playing this month!

I’ll be posting my entries here on this post as I find them.


1. A tower

Glenmore Park Town Centre 1

2. “Main Street”

Main Street

3. Five


4. A dog or cat

Jingle Kitty

5. Two of a kind


6. A clock

Sweeping Hands

7. A game

Cards on the Go

8. Something sweet


9. B&W w/selective coloring


10. Your own reflection

Field of Circles

11. A mirror image

Bridesmaid Directions

12. Night image

20100203 Bella's Nightlight [365_136]_sig

13. Something homemade

Homemade Angels

14. Something pink


15. Something romantic

London Calling

16. A candid shot


17. A portrait


18. A symbol of love

20100220 Alice in Wonderland Charm Bracelet 4

19. A landscape

A Smattering of Clouds

20. Chocolate

Can I Have Half?


  1. Now I want to do this. Have I mentioned lately how bad you are for my to do list?

  2. The last one is my fav. Such an awesome expression, but 'a clock' and 'two of a kind' are absolutely wonderful (why am I not surprised by the socks? ;) )

  3. Aw thank you! The last one is my favourite too.

    And you're not surprised cause you know the awesomeness of socks!

  4. Great collection, like all of them! your own reflection shot is so cool and the last one, the chocolate, is adorable!

  5. Chocolate, the cat, the clock, two of a kind and your reflection, all favorites of mine! Well done!

  6. Great shots! Love the reflection!

  7. Hi, Rebecca! You did a really nice job with your photo hunt. I like the close up angles you used in so many of your shots. The photos I liked the best was the cat, the sox for two of a kind, that tool in your B&W with selective coloring was cool. I thought the sky in your landscape was shown with great perspective. Good job!

  8. Great entries! I love the b&w with selective coloring!

  9. I love your 'five' and 'something pink'! too fun. great job on all the shots!

  10. The chocolate one really is special. I'd look like that too if there was only 2 halves of a chocolate left...

  11. Great job! Your main street shot has a lovely feel to it. I love your prespective of the cat and your reflection shot is super cool. What is that? I 'know' it but can't put my finger on it.

  12. Hey Rebecca, you had some really great shots, I loved them all! The pink and chocolate were my faves

  13. I really like your 'a dog or cat' shot. Well done! :o)

  14. I loved the pair of pliers in your B&W. Very cool. I also thought that your entry for chocolate was so very sweet! But I think that my favorite was your symbol of love. Great composition and color!
    If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.

  15. #12 and #13 are my favorites!
