Day 12: Gold Star for Arthur

One of the hardest destinations for me to work into my itinerary was Arthur’s Pass National Park and the long west to east road through the centre of it. I really wanted to see the park and it’s mountains but didn’t want to see the road through to it’s end. Finally I just gave up and accepted that doubling back on myself was the only option. Frustrating, but worth it to see the landscape.

Everything in Arthur’s Pass was so dramatic, and reminded me very much of Scotland. Huge cragged mountains disappearing into the clouds, wildflowers popping up all over the place, and long swerving roads that weave throughout the ranges. It really was a beautiful spot.

Driving through, there were oh so many little bridges and narrow one way roads - and it really crystalised a big difference between driving in Australia and New Zealand. In New Zealand, drivers don't do the hand raise. You know when someone gives way to you and you lift your hand slightly off the well as a sign of thanks? Here? Not at all. And it was very frustrating not to have it returned! Jeez New Zealand. So rude.

The deeper into the national park I went, the more dramatic the mountains became and I could only imagine how impressive they would all be in winter, covered in snow. I kept pulling over to take more and more photos, but the sky was so white and hazy and the mountains so tall that my photography skills weren't up to the challenge. You know the refrain by now: trust me, way more beautiful in person.

The turning point was to be Castle Hill, about half way through Arthur's Pass, but by the time I got there it was really starting to rain quite heavily - way too heavy to mountain goat it up a hill, so I got a little spy from the road before turning back and enjoying the views from the other direction.

I'm settled in at Hokitika for the night, with Hokitika Gorge first up in the morning. Good night all! 

Animal Sightings:

  • cows
  • sheep
  • goats
  • alpaca
  • deer
  • New Zealand falcons
  • seagulls
  • rabbits
  • turkeys

Today's Playlist:

  • Anne of Green Gables - LM Montgomery
  • D&D is for Nerds - Hus Firma Pride #15: Jack and Coconuts
  • D&D is for Nerds - Hus Firma Pride #16: A Beautiful Gleaming City
  • D&D is for Nerds - Hus Firma Pride #17: Trap Trapers and Drow
  • D&D is for Nerds - Hus Firma Pride #18: Captive
  • D&D is for Nerds - Hus Firma Pride #19: One Eyed Mystra
  • D&D is for Nerds - Hus Firma Pride #20: Daniel
  • How Stuff Works: How Habeas Corpus works
  • How Stuff Works: How to Survive a Plane Crash
  • How Stuff Works: How Flirting Works
  • How Stuff Works: What can be done with a dead body?
  • How Stuff Works: Where’s the best place on your body to get shot?
  • Plumbing the Death Star #316: Why Do Vampires and Werewolves Hate Each Other in Everything?

Daily Stats:
Kilometres travelled: 331 (2563 in total)
Times I hit my head on the van: 1 (7 in total)
Times bitten by a sandfly: 4
Number of other campers cooking proper healthy dinners while I ate mac and cheese: 6


  1. Your photos are always beautiful and unique you have an excellent eye for a photo so keep it up and if you don't want Mac & Cheese next time go invite yourself to dinner with the healthy eating campers Mum

  2. Something about hand gestures
    No, I got nothin’

  3. A you shall not pass joke seems both cheap and appropriate. What a conundrum :)
