I’ve been remiss in my blogging – mainly because I’ve been trying to get my photos all edited and up-to-date. But I’m embracing the fact that this is just simply NOT going to happen.


On Wednesday I’m flying out for a week’s vacation visiting with my friend Lisa – which I have been waiting for for several months now and am very excited about! Tonight I managed to get all packed, so I’m all set!

Melbourne Bound

by on Monday, December 06, 2010
I’ve been remiss in my blogging – mainly because I’ve been trying to get my photos all edited and up-to-date. But I’m embracing the fact tha...


Day 5: How long did it take from the time your learned how to knit, to finish your first project?

*sigh* I really wished I remembered what my first project was. I’ve been thinking all week, and really – I just can’t remember. Knowing me though, it was probably a while – I’m not a slow knitter, but I’m not particularly project-loyal; I jump around a bit.

30 Days of Knitting_thumb[4]_thumb[2]_thumb[2]

Day 4: How did you learn how to knit?

I’ve been crocheting since I was about nine or ten – the by product of spending most of my holidays with my grandmother, who was always working on one handcraft or another. I remember sitting up on the lounge next to her, both of us crocheting away, as we watched old musicals all day long. It was something I always loved doing. She crocheted, she knitted, she sewed. You name it, she did it. I always associate craft very strongly with her.

Which is why I find it so odd that it was my other grandmother who taught me to night.

Where my mother’s mother is the quintessential grandmother, warm and soft, with cupboards and draws full of odds and ends, a lolly always slipped into the hand, my father’s mother is the the complete opposite. Don’t get me wrong, I love her dearly, but she is not the most maternal of grandmothers, and even though she taught me to knit – craft (especially crafting for pleasure) is one of the last things I associate with her.

This grandmother lived next to me my whole life and I remember going over to chat with her one day (and I had to have been around eighteen, since I had already left school at the time), and she was sitting in her armchair knitting herself a new red jumper. I mentioned that knitting was something I would like to learn and she showed me a few basic stitches. There were no long lessons, nor the days spent burrowing through wool and patterns as I would have imagined (even have done) with my other grandmother. But it was very her. She sent me home with a ball of wool, and a pair of needles and told me to come back when I had a square.

Oh the triangles I made.

I remember being so proud when I bought that square back over to her. And I like to think she was too. It’s one of my favourite memories of time spent with my Nanny, and I do so enjoy showing her what I’m knitting these days – even though I’ve never seen her pick up a pair of needles since.


Retromummy is hosting a giveaway of some beautiful Sweet Broderie fabrics. It’s a wonderful giveaway of 14 fat quarters, so why not head over and take a look.

Click the picture for the post.



GIVEAWAY: Retromummy

by on Saturday, November 13, 2010
  Retromummy is hosting a giveaway of some beautiful Sweet Broderie fabrics. It’s a wonderful giveaway of 14 fat quarters, so why not head...

30 Days of Knitting_thumb[4]_thumb[2]

Day 3: Do you have any other WIPs (works in progress)?

Can I say ‘no’ and then run really fast in the other direction?



I have a scarf I’m working on for my cousin for Christmas, as well as another scarf (I don’t know why scarves at the moment) for a friend for what will probably be a belated birthday present.

I have plenty of other WIPs, but thankfully for my reputation today, none of those are knitting ones.


30 Days of Knitting_thumb[4]

Day 2: What is currently on your needles?

I have two projects on the go, both of which are heading Kirsten’s way…

Project #1 is her Christmas present, a pair of socks in a decidedly fluoro colorway (Moda Vera Noir, Rainbow). I bought the wool on sale at the local Spotlight some months ago, but it jumped out at me again when I was digging through my stash for something else. The colours practically scream Kirsten, so it was decided that they would have to be made up for her.

(Pattern: Leyburn Socks)

Leyburn Socks

Project #2, is also heading to Ki-land… but only if I get my act together and start doing some heavy duty knitting. She’s heading off on a mission for her church at the end of the year and when I asked her what i could do to help, she said she needed some warm clothing (a California girl heading to Canada? I bet she did). She requested a jumper made by Becca… She may have even buttered me up with some sweet talk about getting to take a Becca hug with her, so I caved and this is on the needles now.

(Pattern: Amused)

New Circs


Day 1: What was your first finished project?

I’ve been trying to think of what my first project was… and I honestly can’t remember. It was also, sadly, pre-camera fixation and so my photolog doesn’t help me out any. I remember my grandmother showing me, but that’s about it. I’ll take a stab in the dark and guess that it was a scarf of some description…

I do know that one of my very very early projects was a pair of cabled fingerless gloves.

30 Days of Knitting - Day 1

by on Thursday, November 11, 2010
Day 1: What was your first finished project? I’ve been trying to think of what my first project was… and I honestly can’t remember. It w...


Day 1: What was your first finished project?

Day 2: What is currently on your needles?

Day 3: Do you have any other WIPs (works in progress)?

Day 4: How did you learn how to knit?

Day 5: How long did it take from the time your learned how to knit, to finish your first project?

Day 6: What is your favorite piece that you’ve knit?

Day 7: Your least favorite?

Day 8: What’s your most challenging project?

Day 9: What fiber or yarn do you love working with?

Day 10: Do you have a favorite pattern or designer?

Day 11: Do you have a “Knitter Hero” or someone that is just way too awesome for their own good? Do share!

Day 12: Where do you keep your stash? Post pictures!

Day 13: Do you have yarn that you love but can’t find a project for?

Day 14: What’s the worst yarn/fiber that you’ve worked with and why?*

Day 15: What was your least favorite pattern and why?*

Day 16: Have you ever had a knitting related injury?

Day 17: Have you ever had a project that you loved become ruined? What’s the story behind it?

Day 18: Do you knit English or Continental?

Day 19: Do you watch movies and/or listen to podcasts while knitting? What are your favorite things to knit to?

Day 20: Do you knit in public? Was anyone offended/incredibly happy/curious that you were doing so?

Day 21: Do you knit gifts for friends and family for the holidays or birthdays?

Day 22: Have you ever stricken someone off your to-knit-for list because they didn’t appreciate/take care of your last knitted gift to them?

Day 23: If you had the supplies (and patience) for it, what project would you start today?

Day 24: Have you ever made your own pattern or dyed your own yarn? How did it turn out?

Day 25: Do you have a knitting book or a place where you keep patterns, ideas, size measurements? Post a picture of it!

Day 26: Have you ever been a part, or wanted to be a part of a knit-a-long? What was it? If not, why?

Day 27: How do you acquire most of yarn? Online retailers, local yarn shops, swaps, or large chain craft stores? What’s your favorite?

Day 28: Do you do any other crafts besides knitting? What are they, and did learning to knit come before or after learning these other crafts?

Day 29: Do you have any tips, or things that you’ve learned from knitting?

Day 30: What’s your name on Ravelry? If you don’t have a Ravelry account, why?

*Note: These questions are not meant to bash any yarn dyers, designers, or companies. Sometimes, a yarn or pattern will just gives us a terrible time.

30 Days of Knitting

by on Thursday, November 11, 2010
Day 1 : What was your first finished project? Day 2 : What is currently on your needles? Day 3 : Do you have any other WIPs (works in progr...

A while ago Photojojo advertised a set of colour camera filters which I just had to have… simply because I thought they were adorable and came on a little ring and well, I had images of rainbow photos.

Buy the Color Lens and Flash Filters at the Photojojo Store!


They took a while to send and so Photojojo included a little surprise in my package – one that basically ensured they’d have my business and recommendation from here on out…

Free Dinosaur (2)

That’s right… a dinosaur. I pretty much danced around the house with my new dinosaur when I discovered it.

Did I mention I’m a dork?

Anyway! I was very excited to get the filters and broke them out to use right away.

Beth - Green Beth - Yellow Beth - Orange

I had fun, my crazy model had fun… and I haven’t touched them since.

If anyone can tell me what I can use them for I’d be greatly appreciative.

Camera filters

by on Friday, October 08, 2010
A while ago Photojojo advertised a set of colour camera filters which I just had to have… simply because I thought they were adorable and ...

NOTE: If you are Kirsten, Courtney, Bethany or Brett, do NOT read this post. And thank you.


Since it’s coming up to December I thought I’d make a list of the crafting things I’m working on and the ones I need to get done for Christmas. Like I said, if you’re listed above, don’t look!

  • Brett’s Serenity Scarf – 14/11/10
  • Sanctuary Fingerpuppets – 8/12/10
  • Courtney’s Totoro – 8/12/10
  • Courtney’s Moose Hat – 8/12/10
  • Lisa’s undecided – 8/12/10
  • Helen Magnus doll – 8/12/10
  • Kirsten’s socks – 25/12/10
  • Renae’s Scarf – 25/12/10
  • Beth’s Totoro – 25/12/10
  • Peanut Elephant26/2/11
  • Beth’s Patchwork Blanket – 26/2/11
  • Hannah Rainbow Ribbon Scarf
  • Crocheted Baby Blanket
  • Wizard of Oz Cross Stitch

To-Do List

by on Friday, September 03, 2010
NOTE: If you are Kirsten, Courtney, Bethany or Brett, do NOT read this post. And thank you.   Since it’s coming up to December I thought I...

Okay I’ll confess, I know nothing about cars. At all. But I do like to look at them when they’re all pretty and shiny… please don’t tell any car aficionados I said that.

Hot Rod and Custom Car Show 2010Ford Speedometer Keep on Truckin' Holden Corvette Car ShowChevrolet

If my 365 project has taught me anything, it’s to appreciate ANY new location. I think I have photographed my backyard from every location and as such I now revel in going somewhere new – even if it is only being set free in someone’s backyard.

Of course, my aunt and uncle have a particularly interesting backyard…


Fire Hose Red Tractor Shed Walton Yard Little Tractor

And then the best part of someone else’s backyard? It comes with it’s own family of people, in this case my cousin Tom.


Backyard Heaven

by on Tuesday, August 24, 2010
If my 365 project has taught me anything, it’s to appreciate ANY new location. I think I have photographed my backyard from every location a...

I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but my sister Beth has the funniest face to photograph. As soon as a camera is pointed in her direction her face does not hold a single expression for more than a minute. Makes for much fun.

These two photos were taken within seconds of each other.

Wide Eyes Cranky

Playdough Face

by on Monday, August 23, 2010
I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but my sister Beth has the funniest face to photograph. As soon as a camera is pointed in her direction...

With my new job, sometimes I need a bit of a time out, somewhere nice and quiet. So on my way home, I occasionally stop my at the pier at the local wetlands – it’s one of my new favourite places.

Blue Hills Pier

With the way the trees curve up and around the lake it’s like this wonderful little bubble of calm. The sun hits it just right and there’s the perfect amount of breeze passing though.

Blue Hills Pier (2)

Best of all, I’ve yet to see another person there, which makes it feel like my own special little place. So after a bad day I pick up a coffee on my way home and go and sit with a book for an hour or so.

Blue Hills Pier (3)

Of course now that I’ve told you this, feel free to drop by, but you have to promise not to tell anyone!

Blue Hills

by on Sunday, August 22, 2010
With my new job, sometimes I need a bit of a time out, somewhere nice and quiet. So on my way home, I occasionally stop my at the pier at th...

One of the things I love best about sporting a larger more professional camera when out and about is the assumption people make that you’re someone important. When I walked around taking odd photos with my little point and shoot, I was just that weird girl taking photos of trees and people’s shoes.

Now, however, I’m apparently someone important – and people have no problem approaching me to ask. So far in the two and half months since I’ve had Athena I’ve been a professional photographer, a reporter, a council worker, someone affiliated with the police, a landscaper and an architect. Everyone someone makes one of these assumptions I briefly consider playing along… but always chicken out at the last minute.

The last time this happened was at a local skate park. The kids there had it in their heads that I was someone apparently high up enough in the council to get their park extended. Despite my claims to the contrary they all told me why this would be a good idea and even considered starting a petition.

Photo outings are far more fun these days.


Jamison Skate Park Jamison Skate Park (2) Jamison Skate Park (5) Jamison Skate Park (6) Jamison Skate Park (8)

Skate Park

by on Saturday, August 21, 2010
One of the things I love best about sporting a larger more professional camera when out and about is the assumption people make that you’re ...

Around our house it doesn’t take much for a camera to come out of hiding. Beth got a new hat with a magazine… yup. That’ll do it.

Stop Beth's New Hat (2) Beth's New Hat (1) Beth's New Hat (3) Beth's New Hat (4) Beth's New Hat (8)Beth's New Hat (6)

Impromptu Photo Shoot

by on Friday, August 20, 2010
Around our house it doesn’t take much for a camera to come out of hiding. Beth got a new hat with a magazine… yup. That’ll do it.

I’ve had a couple trips to Sydney in the past month or so – which is unusual for me. I love the city, but don’t usually have reason to go. Athena came with me naturally (at which point I should say that my sister was a terribly good sport and didn’t roll her eyes at me too often), and I thought I’d share some of my favourite shots

Opera (1) Opera (4) Opera (3) Water Steps Darling HarbourWharf Docking20100717-033 South View_sig Museum of Contemporary Art (1)


by on Friday, August 20, 2010
I’ve had a couple trips to Sydney in the past month or so – which is unusual for me. I love the city, but don’t usually have reason to go. A...