Day 1: What was your first finished project?
Day 2: What is currently on your needles?
Day 3: Do you have any other WIPs (works in progress)?
Day 4: How did you learn how to knit?
Day 5: How long did it take from the time your learned how to knit, to finish your first project?
Day 6: What is your favorite piece that you’ve knit?
Day 7: Your least favorite?
Day 8: What’s your most challenging project?
Day 9: What fiber or yarn do you love working with?
Day 10: Do you have a favorite pattern or designer?
Day 11: Do you have a “Knitter Hero” or someone that is just way too awesome for their own good? Do share!
Day 12: Where do you keep your stash? Post pictures!
Day 13: Do you have yarn that you love but can’t find a project for?
Day 14: What’s the worst yarn/fiber that you’ve worked with and why?*
Day 15: What was your least favorite pattern and why?*
Day 16: Have you ever had a knitting related injury?
Day 17: Have you ever had a project that you loved become ruined? What’s the story behind it?
Day 18: Do you knit English or Continental?
Day 19: Do you watch movies and/or listen to podcasts while knitting? What are your favorite things to knit to?
Day 20: Do you knit in public? Was anyone offended/incredibly happy/curious that you were doing so?
Day 21: Do you knit gifts for friends and family for the holidays or birthdays?
Day 22: Have you ever stricken someone off your to-knit-for list because they didn’t appreciate/take care of your last knitted gift to them?
Day 23: If you had the supplies (and patience) for it, what project would you start today?
Day 24: Have you ever made your own pattern or dyed your own yarn? How did it turn out?
Day 25: Do you have a knitting book or a place where you keep patterns, ideas, size measurements? Post a picture of it!
Day 26: Have you ever been a part, or wanted to be a part of a knit-a-long? What was it? If not, why?
Day 27: How do you acquire most of yarn? Online retailers, local yarn shops, swaps, or large chain craft stores? What’s your favorite?
Day 28: Do you do any other crafts besides knitting? What are they, and did learning to knit come before or after learning these other crafts?
Day 29: Do you have any tips, or things that you’ve learned from knitting?
Day 30: What’s your name on Ravelry? If you don’t have a Ravelry account, why?
*Note: These questions are not meant to bash any yarn dyers, designers, or companies. Sometimes, a yarn or pattern will just gives us a terrible time.